Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA):
IPA is a three carbon alcohol with an -OH on the middle carbon. This differs from N-propyl alcohol, where the -OH is on the end carbon. While similar, the properties are different and are not interchangeable.
Market Dynamics:
IPA is produced in two ways: hydration of propylene and hydration of acetone (a by-product of phenol manufacturing). The primary use of IPA is as a solvent, consuming over 45% of the global supply.
Up Stream Materials/Building Blocks:
Acidic catalysts
Sulfuric acid
Down Stream Materials Consuming Isopropyl Alcohol:
1. Solvent (45% of global market)
a. Cleaning
i. Electronics (wet process and cleaning)
ii. Optics (cleaning)
iii. Life Science
1. Cleaner, sanitizer
2. Preservative
3. DNA precipitant
4. Glassware rinse
iv. Industrial
b. Coatings
c. Automotive
i. Fuel Additive
ii. De-icer
iii. Brake Cleaner
2. Chemical Derivatives (37% of global market)
a. Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (MIBK)
b. Isopropyl Acetate
c. Isopropyl Esters (misc)
d. Isoprpylamines
3. Agricultural
a. Herbicides (sodium isopropylanthate)
4. Metals Purification
a. Titanium Isopropoxides
b. Aluminum Isopropoxides